Monday, December 22, 2008

Starting High School Track

Starting high school track was one of the more scary things i had to do in high school...besides from not knowing very many people or where your classes. But after the first week or two you adjust to everything and all the people, my first week or two of track was like that. I didn't know any of the people going out for track or how good I would be compared to all the other girls. I can remember standing there looking at everyone else thinking that they were all going to out run me and I would be left in the dust. But just how how school worked for me track was like that. i got used to the girls and started having a really fun time. Things started getting a little more easier and I started to love track!

It was one of the better choices I made to keep up with the sport. I had to ditch playing soccer just for track and to keep with it. there is a lot more to track then running and turing left. The mind set that you have to come to it is very different and being able to push yourself. many people don't realize that all of this really goes into it. There are a lot of things in sports that people don't think that can effect them...but there is so much more you can even think of.
but i can save that for later posts :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Middle School

In middle school i ran track the two years that I could. the middles schools had a rule that you were not able to participate in sports when you are in 6th grade...Which i thin is a rather weird rule to have. But anyways, I think that running when I was middles school was a really good starting block for me. The coaches were always very willing to help you on something that you had a question about. They taught you all the basic that you needed to know in track, with everything from how to start your and the correct way to finish your race. Believe it or not there are many things that go into tack. Sometimes there are so many thing to think about when you are running your head feels like it is going to explode. Another good thing about track in middle school was you got to meet people and make new friends.

One thing the coaches taught you in middle school was how to use your blocks properly. although I didn't feel like I really had a handel on how to use them properly. So I felt if i didn't know how to use them right I would just start my race with out the blocks. The first time I did that was not such a good idea. I had ended up getting first place but, my coaches still thought that I could have done better if I would have used the blocks to start. I guess I probably would have, but its not my fault they didn't teach me right the first time!!

Something that I am very proud of in middle school track was setting the city record for the 100 meter dash. if I am remembering correctly I had the time of 12.9. I think I might still hold that record today and it was set in 2003. That would have been when I was in 8th grade at Franklin Middle School.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My First Post :]

Running is one thing that I really enjoy. And i love talking about it and how it helps me deal with things sometimes. I have learned that when i am in a down and out mood that going on a nice long run helps me deal with things. It relives a lot of stress that I have. Another things about running that i really like is the competition. When running against someone else it makes me get a rush of adrenaline and after my race i feel great. sometimes during the work out or race you don't feel the best, but when your done you have that feeling like you have actually accomplished something and feel great about yourself. These are just some of the things that I love about running and what you an expect me to be talking about it. I am sure there is much much more that you will be learning and reading about running from me in future posts! I hope you enjoy what is to come!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

my love

Ever sense i was little i have loved to run. I would always want to go outside and play tag or a game that would involve running. Now i run track in High School and it is my favorite sport. i used to play soccer, but I want to spend more time improving all i can on track. You could probably say that it is my life now. I spend way to much time on it, but track is what I love.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Testing post. just to see how all of this works. Add Video:)