Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My First Post :]

Running is one thing that I really enjoy. And i love talking about it and how it helps me deal with things sometimes. I have learned that when i am in a down and out mood that going on a nice long run helps me deal with things. It relives a lot of stress that I have. Another things about running that i really like is the competition. When running against someone else it makes me get a rush of adrenaline and after my race i feel great. sometimes during the work out or race you don't feel the best, but when your done you have that feeling like you have actually accomplished something and feel great about yourself. These are just some of the things that I love about running and what you an expect me to be talking about it. I am sure there is much much more that you will be learning and reading about running from me in future posts! I hope you enjoy what is to come!!

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