Thursday, February 12, 2009


i think that blogging for students can be good. it gives you a chance to actually write about things that you want to write about. Because there are a lot of times that teachers give you assignments that you really don't want to write about..this gives you a chance to choose what to write. your options are endless!!

I thought it was fun it gave me a chance to think more about what i like and to let people know how i really feel about things. And it also showed people that there are a lot more things to track then you really think. i could keep writing about it hours on end. there are many different things that can apply to one topic. I don't think that someone could ever say that they don't have anting more to write about. There are some dislikes that i had about blogging. The one thing was keeping up with all of the posts..i have a really busy schedule at night and it was just one more thing to add on to my night. i know that it wasn't that much writing, but still it was hard for me to find that time at night three times a week. After a while it seemed that it got old. i still had new things to write about but i didn't want to repeat myself and make it boring for the readers. i feel like i could always talk about track, but in some posts i felt like i was repeating some things i had said in previous posts.

over all i did like it.. i think that a more time to do things would have been better.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Eating habbits

When you have a meet the next day you most likely to not think about what the right thing are to eat..eating is one of the most important things before your race or the day before race day. many people think of carbo loading before their race day, that is not always the best thing to do. you can fill yourself up with to much food and it will not benefit you in any way. The best thing you can do a day before a race is drink lots of water, you want as much fluids in you as you want. And eat carbs, but you don't want to go crazy on them. the best thin for you to eat is eating a sandwich for lunch and some pasta for dinner. although you think protein may sound like it is a good thing to eat a lot of before isn't really no your best choice. you will benefit more from your pasta and sandwiches.
Now the way you on race day will be very different from pre race day. on this day you will want to eat very lightly. you don't want to have to much food in you. if you are stuffed with food you are not going to run as fast as you could. it is pretty self explanatory, the lighter you will be the faster you will be.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


When running in track one thing you need is a lot of confidence. in order to do well and accomplish what you want will you have to have some confidence in yourself. it plays a huge role. if you think about it without confidence you are not going to be able to do what you want because you will not have the will power to actually go out there. you won't have that push in you when it comes to race time and you won't do as well as you could. that's why you have to have confidence!!
it can also come into play in other part in many different sports. when you have an extra boost of confidence will you make you want to play or go out and run harder. i know there are sometimes that you don't feel like playing or times where you don't feel like running in practice. but the only way that you are going to get better is to go out every time and do your best in practice and out of practice. knowing that you have the confidence in yourself that you can do well in something you know you will try harder to get even better. i have had many personal experiences with this before.
in order to have confidence all you need to do is be able to believe in yourself. if you never believe that you can do something i know that you are not going to be able to do it. you have to know that you are going to be able to achieve your goal and go beyond that.