Thursday, February 12, 2009


i think that blogging for students can be good. it gives you a chance to actually write about things that you want to write about. Because there are a lot of times that teachers give you assignments that you really don't want to write about..this gives you a chance to choose what to write. your options are endless!!

I thought it was fun it gave me a chance to think more about what i like and to let people know how i really feel about things. And it also showed people that there are a lot more things to track then you really think. i could keep writing about it hours on end. there are many different things that can apply to one topic. I don't think that someone could ever say that they don't have anting more to write about. There are some dislikes that i had about blogging. The one thing was keeping up with all of the posts..i have a really busy schedule at night and it was just one more thing to add on to my night. i know that it wasn't that much writing, but still it was hard for me to find that time at night three times a week. After a while it seemed that it got old. i still had new things to write about but i didn't want to repeat myself and make it boring for the readers. i feel like i could always talk about track, but in some posts i felt like i was repeating some things i had said in previous posts.

over all i did like it.. i think that a more time to do things would have been better.

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