Thursday, February 5, 2009

Eating habbits

When you have a meet the next day you most likely to not think about what the right thing are to eat..eating is one of the most important things before your race or the day before race day. many people think of carbo loading before their race day, that is not always the best thing to do. you can fill yourself up with to much food and it will not benefit you in any way. The best thing you can do a day before a race is drink lots of water, you want as much fluids in you as you want. And eat carbs, but you don't want to go crazy on them. the best thin for you to eat is eating a sandwich for lunch and some pasta for dinner. although you think protein may sound like it is a good thing to eat a lot of before isn't really no your best choice. you will benefit more from your pasta and sandwiches.
Now the way you on race day will be very different from pre race day. on this day you will want to eat very lightly. you don't want to have to much food in you. if you are stuffed with food you are not going to run as fast as you could. it is pretty self explanatory, the lighter you will be the faster you will be.

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