Thursday, January 22, 2009


There are many different types of shoes that you can wear when running track. it all depends on what type of events you usually run in. There are very many different types of shoes and brands of spikes and shoes you have to choose from.

When running distances your choices for shoes would be regular running shoes or a pair of long distance running spikes. The spikes for distance are a little different then you might think. They are very light weight and the spikes on them a different too. The spikes general are not as long and there are only five spikes. compared to a sprinters spikes with eight. Long distance spikes also have a heal to them...this helps support their feet more when running. Sprinters don't need a heal on their shoe because you don't run on your heals. You usually run on the front third of your foot.

When choosing what spikes to get you should go for the lightest pair you can buy. The lighter the better. It will make it feel like you are not even wearing anything on your foot and make you fly right across the track. Another thing to look for when finding the right spikes is make sure they are plastic on the bottom of the don't want them to be able to bend in half. that can actually slow you down. you want the type that supports your foot and can make you the best you can be.

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