Thursday, January 8, 2009


Have you ever just had that feeling where you know that you have to go do something and you really just don't want to do it? well i get that feeling a lot before i am going to workout. I dread getting my workout clothes on when i know what is coming for me. I don't want to walk on the track knowing that a very hard, intense workout is coming for me. And then during that workout you start to feel like crap and you are not going to be able to complete the whole thing...i feel that everyday! But five minutes after running you start to feel great and that you just accomplished something really big.

I have the feelings like that every day...when i hear that the work out is going to be a latter being running a 300 250 150 100 and 50 meter with only walking back being your rest brain starts to think everything negative that I possibly can. But now add on a mile cool down run. afterwards...that mile workout is probably going to be someones walking passe is what I am thinking. Every time i start thinking like this i know that i shouldn't. A lot of doing all sports is the mind setting you put yourself in. If you are thinking that you are going to lose or your going to die at the work out you most likely will lose and not do so good on your workout. Thinking positive and above what you really can do is one of the best things you can do. By thinking this you might be able to accomplish something that you never thought you would be able to.

that's is all for now! more about this on the next ready!!!

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