Tuesday, January 20, 2009


i can not even list how many different things there are that you need to work on when trying got run correctly...I will list some examples for you so you can get the gist of what i am talking about.

  • driving with your feet
  • moving your arms correctly
  • breathing
  • body position
  • how to finish
  • starting off right

so that is just some examples. I can tell you some times it is very hard to break that old habit and make it a new one. Correcting someone and how they were running before is one of the most difficult things that you will go though in track training. from a personal experience i have been training for about 2 months now and I am still trying to perfect my starts which at some point seems almost impossible to me. But i know that if I keep working on it one day I will have it down to a perfection!

To do things right you will need to have lots a Patience. With driving your feet you really need to push them into the track and keep them lower to the ground. It may sound like something that is easy but trust me you don't realize you are doing it until it i s pointed out to you. With driving your feet the right way starting can be similar. you need to feel your back foot and really exploding out of them! One important thing to do is keep your head down. you are not going to be looking up right away. Also make sure your body doesn't go straight up once you get out...that will make you significantly slower, gradually move so you are standing right. you shouldn't be standing up until about 50 meters into the race.

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