Sunday, January 25, 2009

Handing off

I find handing on of of the other things that is hardest to do in track. it all depends on what person you are handing off to. with every person if you are receiving the baton it will be different steps that you will have to take. When receiving a baton you have to mark your steps on when to take off in time to get the hand off perfect. usually depending on your foot size and how fast the incoming person is. for the normal person they usually take fifteen steps out from where they stand to get the baton. then go back and stand in your spot...once your team mate comes in and hits the line where you marked your steps. then you run they will catch up and you have the baton! off you go!

Another thing you have to get right when handing off is getting your arm in the right position for receiving the baton. it is one of the hardest things to perfect. most people do something called bobbing for the baton. that is when you move your arm up and down when trying to get the baton from the other person handing off. it makes it almost impossible to hand the baton of when they do that!

handing off is one of the most important parts in a relay. if you mess up on hand off your whole team could lose because of that. or if you were to drop the baton on a hand off you would be disqualified from the race. And let me tell you from experience it sucks to have that happen to you!

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