Thursday, January 8, 2009


I think doing sports as a kid is one of the best ways to meet people and make friends. Playing soccer and running track was one of the best things i did as a little kid.

now doing track in high school has brought me very close my of the girls on the team. There are three different relay teams that I run. On relay teams there are always four different girls that run the relays. With having the relay teams it is a great way to get close to people. You are always with the people on the relays...perfecting your hand offs, making sure you have the right steps down and most importantly not dropping the baton. All of thoughts steps are very important when running a relay. if you were to mess up your steps and go to early the whole entire race would be messed up. And if the baton were to be dropped you would be disqualified from the whole race. which that would suck very much especially if it were at state or a very important race that you were trying to qualify for something.

1 comment:

:]mo:] said...

maggie i love you.
your hottttt