Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Final post

I don't know how i feel about this whole blogging thing. I can tell you for sure when we first started it i hated the idea. I thought it was stupid and really pointless and didn't really understand why we were going to do it. But once we started to blog more it seemed that i was starting to like it. I liked it because i chose to write about something that i actually enjoyed to write about. There were many times that i didn't want to blog because it was just going to take up some of my time that i could have been doing other homework. And sometimes i felt like i was having a mind blank and couldn't find anything to write about..thoughts were the times i hated blogging.

Also one good thing i found about blogging was that when ever i just wanted to rant a rave i could go and blog about it. I know that many people didn't read my blog so i didn't really mind. It felt like it was somewhere i could go and just let it all out. One bad thing about blogging in sometimes in the same post i felt like i was repeating myself. i didn't mean to do it all of the time, but i got stuck and was saying the same thing over and over. But over all i didn't hate blogging it was something different to do and kind of fun. But i could live without doing it.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

we are going to state

As i have talked about before we are going to state this week. I am very excited, but also very very nervous. this will be my first time running an open event at a place like this. It is a lot different being in a relay and running with people then just running an event all by yourself. that means all the pressure is put on you do perform well and do good. My open event that i will be running the the 200 open on Thursday afternoon. that day is going to be a very long day..we are meting here at school at 6am in the morning that way we can get up to the drake stadium in time for Daysha to run her 100 meter dash. from then on i have my 200 then that will all we will be running for Thursday. The rest of my races will be held on Friday. I am scared about having all 3 of my relays the same day, but i am sure it will be fine as i have ran that before in a regular meet. I will do what my dad says "go out there and do your best and don't worry about it."

I have been to state the last 2 years and kind of know what to expect so i am really excited because it is always a big adrenaline rush starting the race and seeing how we finish off. It is also very nice to fish in the top 3 because then we would place and received a medal. Having a medal from state is always something to be proud of. It makes me feel like all the hard work i put in in that season payed off and accomplished something.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

almost done

The year for track is winding down. It makes me rally sad to think about it. Track is my favorite sport. And the people that i run with are just like my family. As much time as i spend with them it is like they are my real family i spend more time with them then my family!! From the 5 hour long track meets with going to Perkins after and not getting home till late. We do spend a long time together. But it is nice because you can get closer to people and build a Strong relationship with them. But then again it just makes things harder when they leave. For example Daysha on my team i have ran track with her for 3 years now. We run all the same events and are each other competition. We push each other in practice and it is good because we only make each other better in the end. This year she will be leaving me and i will not have anyone like that next year. It is going to be hard but i know that i will meet other people and still have as much fun.

This year was one of my most successful years of track I hope that i can carry that on to next year and have an even better year. Maybe i will have better times and go to drake in a individual event. That is what my goal is..and i know if i work for it and train right that i can do it. i will miss this years track team very much..they were/are amazing!!


Last Friday was districts. As for the weather it wasn't the best raining off and on through out the night..but it wasn't storming horribly or thundering and lightning. Which is good because we would have gotten thrown off and distracted form what we were supposed to be thinking about. There were a couple other districts that didn't run on Friday because of the weather and they ran on Saturday instead. And the good thing is that on Saturday it was extremely windy. So there fore their times were all slower and made us qualify in all four events that i ran in!! Yes i made it in every event which would be the 4x100, 4x200, sprint med and the 200 meter dash. There is one other girl going the in 200. And daysha going in the open 100 also. Along with the distance medley going to state. And for the field events our high jumper and long jumper are both going to state. I am very proud of how everyone did. Even thought it was rather crappy weather out we still ran good and were able to make it to state in nine events. That is about how many events we have go every year in state.

This will be my first time running an open event at state and i will admit i am very nervous. I know that i should treat it just like any other meet, but i can't help myself because it is State and there are so many people there watching you. But maybe it will be a good thing to be extra nervous because it will just make me run faster..lets hope!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

going to state

as i have already talked districts is this Friday which is tomorrow. as it get closer and closer i keep on getting more and more nervous. i can't help myself but think about it every day and when ever i have free time that is what i am thinking of. I have been to state all of my high school years and have loved it. Returning to state and showing everyone that isn't expecting Kennedy to place well or even do good that they are wrong. We have worked really hard for everything and we think of this as finally our time to shine and show everyone how hard that we have worked and how much we really deserve to be here. I think another reason the team is hoping to do well at districts is because we want to show our coach that we really want this and to make him proud of his team that he has trained all season. to show him that the late nights he stayed up trying to figure out who was going to be in what relay or what the next workout for us would be in order to make us better and faster.
But in order to prove all of this to coach it all come down to performing well at districts tomorrow. I have my four usual events. I can not wait. I know that we are going to have god competition here, but i know that we have gone against bigger and better teams before so this is our chance to do well and place in the top 2 in most events. I know that at least half of our relays can place in the top 1 or 2. We will do it for ourselves and coach.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This Friday we have Districts. I can honestly say that i am very nervous for this meet. I don't know whats the outcome will be. I am running all the same events that i usually run, but seeing how we did under a lot of pressure last Friday i don't know how we are going to do when put under the pressure saying that you have to do good in this meet in order to go to state. For us to go to state We have to get first or second in the race and if not first or second they take the next top 12 runners out of our conference.
I know that we can do this, but it is the matter of having ourselves mentally prepared for each and every race and not rushing ourselves into things. We Will have to take every race for what it is. I know that we all want to do well at this meet and make it into state not just for ourselves, but for coach and to show him how much we rally want it and how much work we put into all of it to do it for him. He has worked his butt of this year to make us a decent team and to make sure we have our solid relay teams. I think that we can do it. If we are to have "picture perfect hand offs" on Friday we will make it to state.
The weather is supposed to be nice and it is going to be a good day out. That will make things even better for all of us. Also We have had our hard times with races and not doing so well and feeling really bad for it that with performing well.

All we have to do now is go out there an actually prove what we can do!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Last Friday we had our big MVC meet of the year. We were hoping to do pretty well. Considering on how well we had done in the previous meets placing 1st and 2nd. But it turns out we placed 5th out of seven teams. that's no horrible if you consider on how many good teams that were there and that we were competing against the number 1 and 2 teams in the state. But we realized the best thing to do in this situation is use them to our advantage and race against them and make our time even better. That's is what we did or attempted to do on our races. There was one face our of four races that i was only happy with.
The one race that i felt like we did really good on and i know we did was the 4x2. We have 4 solid 200 runners which makes it a really good relay team. coach came up to use when we were done running with his stop watch and a big smile on his face, showing us the time of 1:47. We had cut off 2 or 3 sec of our time. and we are .4 or 1 second away from having the school record. it think with the 2 meets that we have left that we can get the school record. we placed 3rd over all in that race. The nest race for me was the 200. I was nervous for this one because a girl from my team was in my heat and in the lane right next to me. But i do what i always seem to do in the 200 i win the first 150 meters of the race and start to die the last 50 metes. I don't know why but i do. I ended up getting 5th and Ashley the girl from my team placed 4th. My last 2 races were the 4x100 and the sprint med. The 4x1 and sprint med we didn't do so good in. this meet was being rushed and we didn't have much recovery time between races. and our times and placement in the events were not the best and could have been a lot better. this just gives us a chance to prove we are better then that next week at districts. also at state.