Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Benton Meet reults

last night was the meet at Benton. It was a fun and fast going meet. I was really happy that this meet wasn't that far away..It was only about 30 min away. Another good thing was that this meet didn't have very many teams. i think that were a total of 5 teams there. Which means it went by super fast. One last good thing about this meet was that i was only running one race. Usually my night is filled up with race after race. It was nice to only worry about my one race and then be able to relax the rest of the night. It was nice to see how the relays would do without their normal runners in it. And surprisingly didn't to bad.
The only race that i did run was the 2oo. Coach told me when i was getting off the bus last Friday "you are only winning one race on Monday and that is the 200." i tried to make what he said become real, but considering i was running against a girl who won 40 points for her team lst night and runs at state ever year getting 2nd or 3rd i knew it was going to be hard to get 1st place. my dad even told me if i beat her he would give me twenty dollars. I tried my best to win but it didn't really happen. I ended up getting 2nd place with a no so good time. I was hoping to get a better time then i did. the winning time was 26.6 and i have gotten a time of 26.7 i know that i could be close..but i wasn't close enough. ohhh well there is always a next time.

For this friday we have divisionals coming up. I am a bit nervous for this meet knowing that we have to do good. But looking at the teams we are going against our main competition will be against Xavier. I know it we do put a lot of effort into it which i know we can, we can do well overall. I am excited and can't wait to see how it goes!!

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