Sunday, May 17, 2009


Last Friday was districts. As for the weather it wasn't the best raining off and on through out the night..but it wasn't storming horribly or thundering and lightning. Which is good because we would have gotten thrown off and distracted form what we were supposed to be thinking about. There were a couple other districts that didn't run on Friday because of the weather and they ran on Saturday instead. And the good thing is that on Saturday it was extremely windy. So there fore their times were all slower and made us qualify in all four events that i ran in!! Yes i made it in every event which would be the 4x100, 4x200, sprint med and the 200 meter dash. There is one other girl going the in 200. And daysha going in the open 100 also. Along with the distance medley going to state. And for the field events our high jumper and long jumper are both going to state. I am very proud of how everyone did. Even thought it was rather crappy weather out we still ran good and were able to make it to state in nine events. That is about how many events we have go every year in state.

This will be my first time running an open event at state and i will admit i am very nervous. I know that i should treat it just like any other meet, but i can't help myself because it is State and there are so many people there watching you. But maybe it will be a good thing to be extra nervous because it will just make me run faster..lets hope!!

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