Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Final post

I don't know how i feel about this whole blogging thing. I can tell you for sure when we first started it i hated the idea. I thought it was stupid and really pointless and didn't really understand why we were going to do it. But once we started to blog more it seemed that i was starting to like it. I liked it because i chose to write about something that i actually enjoyed to write about. There were many times that i didn't want to blog because it was just going to take up some of my time that i could have been doing other homework. And sometimes i felt like i was having a mind blank and couldn't find anything to write about..thoughts were the times i hated blogging.

Also one good thing i found about blogging was that when ever i just wanted to rant a rave i could go and blog about it. I know that many people didn't read my blog so i didn't really mind. It felt like it was somewhere i could go and just let it all out. One bad thing about blogging in sometimes in the same post i felt like i was repeating myself. i didn't mean to do it all of the time, but i got stuck and was saying the same thing over and over. But over all i didn't hate blogging it was something different to do and kind of fun. But i could live without doing it.

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