Thursday, May 14, 2009

going to state

as i have already talked districts is this Friday which is tomorrow. as it get closer and closer i keep on getting more and more nervous. i can't help myself but think about it every day and when ever i have free time that is what i am thinking of. I have been to state all of my high school years and have loved it. Returning to state and showing everyone that isn't expecting Kennedy to place well or even do good that they are wrong. We have worked really hard for everything and we think of this as finally our time to shine and show everyone how hard that we have worked and how much we really deserve to be here. I think another reason the team is hoping to do well at districts is because we want to show our coach that we really want this and to make him proud of his team that he has trained all season. to show him that the late nights he stayed up trying to figure out who was going to be in what relay or what the next workout for us would be in order to make us better and faster.
But in order to prove all of this to coach it all come down to performing well at districts tomorrow. I have my four usual events. I can not wait. I know that we are going to have god competition here, but i know that we have gone against bigger and better teams before so this is our chance to do well and place in the top 2 in most events. I know that at least half of our relays can place in the top 1 or 2. We will do it for ourselves and coach.

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