Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This Friday we have Districts. I can honestly say that i am very nervous for this meet. I don't know whats the outcome will be. I am running all the same events that i usually run, but seeing how we did under a lot of pressure last Friday i don't know how we are going to do when put under the pressure saying that you have to do good in this meet in order to go to state. For us to go to state We have to get first or second in the race and if not first or second they take the next top 12 runners out of our conference.
I know that we can do this, but it is the matter of having ourselves mentally prepared for each and every race and not rushing ourselves into things. We Will have to take every race for what it is. I know that we all want to do well at this meet and make it into state not just for ourselves, but for coach and to show him how much we rally want it and how much work we put into all of it to do it for him. He has worked his butt of this year to make us a decent team and to make sure we have our solid relay teams. I think that we can do it. If we are to have "picture perfect hand offs" on Friday we will make it to state.
The weather is supposed to be nice and it is going to be a good day out. That will make things even better for all of us. Also We have had our hard times with races and not doing so well and feeling really bad for it that with performing well.

All we have to do now is go out there an actually prove what we can do!!

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