Sunday, May 10, 2009


Last Friday we had our big MVC meet of the year. We were hoping to do pretty well. Considering on how well we had done in the previous meets placing 1st and 2nd. But it turns out we placed 5th out of seven teams. that's no horrible if you consider on how many good teams that were there and that we were competing against the number 1 and 2 teams in the state. But we realized the best thing to do in this situation is use them to our advantage and race against them and make our time even better. That's is what we did or attempted to do on our races. There was one face our of four races that i was only happy with.
The one race that i felt like we did really good on and i know we did was the 4x2. We have 4 solid 200 runners which makes it a really good relay team. coach came up to use when we were done running with his stop watch and a big smile on his face, showing us the time of 1:47. We had cut off 2 or 3 sec of our time. and we are .4 or 1 second away from having the school record. it think with the 2 meets that we have left that we can get the school record. we placed 3rd over all in that race. The nest race for me was the 200. I was nervous for this one because a girl from my team was in my heat and in the lane right next to me. But i do what i always seem to do in the 200 i win the first 150 meters of the race and start to die the last 50 metes. I don't know why but i do. I ended up getting 5th and Ashley the girl from my team placed 4th. My last 2 races were the 4x100 and the sprint med. The 4x1 and sprint med we didn't do so good in. this meet was being rushed and we didn't have much recovery time between races. and our times and placement in the events were not the best and could have been a lot better. this just gives us a chance to prove we are better then that next week at districts. also at state.

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