Sunday, May 17, 2009

almost done

The year for track is winding down. It makes me rally sad to think about it. Track is my favorite sport. And the people that i run with are just like my family. As much time as i spend with them it is like they are my real family i spend more time with them then my family!! From the 5 hour long track meets with going to Perkins after and not getting home till late. We do spend a long time together. But it is nice because you can get closer to people and build a Strong relationship with them. But then again it just makes things harder when they leave. For example Daysha on my team i have ran track with her for 3 years now. We run all the same events and are each other competition. We push each other in practice and it is good because we only make each other better in the end. This year she will be leaving me and i will not have anyone like that next year. It is going to be hard but i know that i will meet other people and still have as much fun.

This year was one of my most successful years of track I hope that i can carry that on to next year and have an even better year. Maybe i will have better times and go to drake in a individual event. That is what my goal is..and i know if i work for it and train right that i can do it. i will miss this years track team very much..they were/are amazing!!

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