Wednesday, May 20, 2009

we are going to state

As i have talked about before we are going to state this week. I am very excited, but also very very nervous. this will be my first time running an open event at a place like this. It is a lot different being in a relay and running with people then just running an event all by yourself. that means all the pressure is put on you do perform well and do good. My open event that i will be running the the 200 open on Thursday afternoon. that day is going to be a very long day..we are meting here at school at 6am in the morning that way we can get up to the drake stadium in time for Daysha to run her 100 meter dash. from then on i have my 200 then that will all we will be running for Thursday. The rest of my races will be held on Friday. I am scared about having all 3 of my relays the same day, but i am sure it will be fine as i have ran that before in a regular meet. I will do what my dad says "go out there and do your best and don't worry about it."

I have been to state the last 2 years and kind of know what to expect so i am really excited because it is always a big adrenaline rush starting the race and seeing how we finish off. It is also very nice to fish in the top 3 because then we would place and received a medal. Having a medal from state is always something to be proud of. It makes me feel like all the hard work i put in in that season payed off and accomplished something.

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