Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cedar Falls

Last night we had a rather successful meet. I am not for sure on what our team placed over all, but i know that we didn't get 5th place!! i am pretty sure that we got 4th over all which would make me very happy and show that we can actually step it up. But you also have to consider the competition that was there. there 8 teams there total and none of them were all that good. All of the teams had a few strong people on their team, but take them out and they didn't have a team.

As for how my relays and events went, we did great!! the first race was the 4x200. i felt like i wasn't ready for this race for some was weird i warmed up just how i always do and still didn't feel like my legs where ready to go. It think it may be because i didn't run a stride like i always do before i run and that could have had a big factor on why i didn't run so well. When i went to run i came out of the blocks ok but when i got to the last 50 meters i died..i never die! The next race i had was the open 200. i was in the 2nd heat for varsity and was a bit nervous because i had to run against this girl from Cedar Falls that i always seem to be running against. I ended up placing 1st in my heat and 4th over all. I was very happy with these results. For the 3rd race i had was the sprint med. It was the race we had been waiting for all night. we had a different person running the 400 and someone replacing her running the 100. We were all nervous, but Ashley (the 400 runner) was the most nervous of all. we had to ensure her that everything was going to be ok and she was going to beast it. And that she did..we all had spots that we were going to be at cheering her on around the track. she ran a 62, that is great for someone who has never run the 400 in their life before. we are going got drake in the sprint med because of her!! The last race of the night was the 4x1. We placed 2nd. improved our was a great day with every relay doing as god as they did!!

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