Saturday, April 11, 2009


all we know for sure about going to drake is our 4x100 team. we don't know if we are going to make it into any other events. I am sure that we can actually i know that we can. If you saw our team workout and see how badly someone of us really want to do well and make it drake and state. last year we placed in drake and i would love to do that again. it was such a great feeling to tell people i placed at me that is a big deal!! the other two things that i am hoping to make it to drake in is the sprint medley and the open 100 meter dash. I know that our sprint medley team can make it. we have some amazing people on our team that have the drive to want to improve and show our coach what this team is really made of. And i think that is what we are doing and what we are going to do when more people make it in for individual events and more relays make it. I know that we can do it. But then again i can get really nervous about all of this when i think that there is only one more meet that we have in order to qualify and make the trip up to drake.
The meet is next Tuesday. It will be at cedar falls. The last 2 years we have been at Cedar Falls it had been unbelievably windy and very cold out. i am just hoping that the meet that is our last chance for people to make it into things isn't cold and windy. But i would like to think that the weather doesn't matter and we can make it in anything and to a point i know that is true. Also this next post i hope it is telling all of you how well we did and how i made it to drake in the open 100 and sprint med improved our time by even more and have a good spot and standing at drake.

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