Saturday, April 11, 2009

J-Hawk Invitational

Today we had a rather important meet. I didn't run the 200 like i thought i was going to run. I ended up running the 100 meter dash instead. My coach said the reason for this was because the 200 dash was to close to the sprint medley relay and he wanted me with some what fresh legs for that race because it was one of the most important one of the day. I felt like overall the whole team did really good. the weather was awesome and i couldn't have asked for anything better!! It was about 60 degrees outside with no little to no i said, perfect. We ended up placing 5th again. some how it seems in every meet no matter what we always get 5th place.

For my races and how i did, over all i would say that i ran pretty good. My 100 i got 7th place over all. i would have liked to do better. I do feel like i ran this 100 more relaxed and not as tensed up which is very good. in The 4x2 we placed 2nd. It was a very tight race at the end but we puled it off and got 3nd. i was very proud and impressed. The sprint med was a very exciting race. We all were pumped and ready to run it. With a new person in for the 400 hoping to improve our time on the relay over all. I want to say we got 3rd place, but i am no positive on that. For the last race of the day which was the 4x1. i felt good and ready for this race knowing it was the last one and the meet was almost over i think we all left everything on the track knowing we could do good. We placed 1st!! it was good to see us finishing in 1st knowing how much we wanted it and how much we had worked for it.

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