Thursday, April 16, 2009

Meet at home

Tomorrow we have our home meet. It is supposed to be at Kingston stadium, but we can't have it there because the football field is being re turfed. So we are having the meet held at Linn mars track. It is also a coe ed meet so you know that it is going to last forever!! In a way i am ok with that because it is a Friday night and i wouldn't have anything else to do if the meet got over earlier. I am also very excited for this meet because the weather is predicted to be very nice. They are saying that is going to be almost in the 70's tomorrow. I can not wait. Since we can't use this meet to qualify into drake because the time cuts offs were last night at midnight I am looking at this meet to get PR's ion my relays and open events. Last meet I got a PR in my open 200. My previous Pr was 26.9 and my time on Tuesday was 26.71!! I was very excited this this time and had worked hard for it. I know that i can bring my time down even more if i would hard and practice and give everything my all. This meet I am not sure on what i will be running i do know for sure i will be running the 4x100, sprint medley and the 4x200. It all depends on what coach wants to put me in, the 100 or 200. We can also look at this meet as preparation for Drake and trying to cut down our times even more so we can have a great time at Drake and maybe even place in the 4x1. Right now for the $x100 we are placed at about 12th, i think we can improve on that and do better. We just need to get our hand offs perfect and be prepared.

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