Sunday, April 5, 2009

Xavier Invitational

Our last meet was held at Xavier this last Friday. It was our first outdoor meet and i was very excited for it. The one thing that i wasn't looking forward to was the coldness from being outside and how windy it was going to be. I don't mind it being cold but when it turns windy there are so any other factors you don't think about that you have to worry about..things like running right into the wind and worming up earlier because the cold weather and wind makes your muscles ten times more cold.

In this meet we ended up placing 5th over all..we were hoping to get 1st. that really didn't happen. There were many girl from school that just came out of no where. But if we look back on the meet we didn't do too bad because we had many people get PRs (personal records) and perform very well. I ended up running my four usual events. The 4x2, 200, sprint med and the 4x1. In the 4x2 we did end up getting first place by something like .02. Still beating the other school by that makes me feel good and shows them that we can really work for it and push for what we want. The next race i ran which was the 200, i ended up getting 2nd place. I was kind of upset with my time. I had a time of 27.4 and i know i can do better then that. I have ran a 26 before. I guess i will have to think positive and hope my time will come soon. Now for the 3rd race of the night, the sprint med. We didn't do so how in this race we have been trying to figure out who would be a good 400 runner. so ever meet we have always had someone different. The thing is last year we had a time of 1:50 and this year our time is 2:02..just a bit of a different having a strong 400 runner does. I am not for sure, but i think we ended up getting 5th in this race. Now for the final and last race of the cold and windy night was the 4x1. We were all very excited to run this race we only had 100 meters to run we were all fast and ready to dominate!! The team placed 2nd. We had a hard battle for 1st or 2nd at the end of the race. it was so close but we still did a great job!!
good job girls and can't wait for the next meet on Tuesday!!

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