Thursday, April 9, 2009

So we have yet another meet on Saturday. I feel like its never in ending in meets and that we never have a break!! But don't get me wrong i love having meets they are fun and you can show everyone what you or your team can do. It is also a great feeling you get when you actually do good in a race and you get recognized for it. This meet that we have on Saturday is at Linn mar. I was originally going to be held at Kingston but with all the new renovations they are doing it can't be held there anymore. i have never ran on Linn mars track and am kind of nervous to. My feeling is that is is not going got be that soft of a track meaning that it is going to be hard and not really have much push for you to get started and have push with your foot.

This meet i will be running an open 200, 4x200, sprint medley and the 4x100. I am glad to be running the 200 again and not the 100 because of how badly i did last time and how upset i was with my time. Recently we talked to our coach about improving our time on the sprint med. He said that he was already one step ahead of us in putting someone else for the 400. i think that doing this will make the time for the sprint medley a lot better and maybe not 12 seconds slower then we were last year.

another thing that i am excited for this meet is that is going to be a little warmer. And it will also be during the day with means that it will stay warm and not get colder as the meet goes on. One one main goal in this meet or this year it is to beat Xavier in the 4x100 or the 4x200. it would make my day or even year to know that we worked hard for it and have that satisfaction of beating them. I think that we can do it!! I am really excited for this meet to see how we place and am hoping for a better place over all.

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