Thursday, April 23, 2009

Today we leave for drake..i am very excited. we leave at 4 o'clock and will make it into ames at about 6 o'clock. Our coach is taking up 9 different people. I think that is a good thing because some of them are seniors and haven't gotten to experience going to drake before. We also changed one of our 4x100 relay. we took someone that is a sophomore out and replaced her with a senior. Coach came to me and another girl asking permission to do this change. It really means a lot to us that he came to us first making sure that it was ok. And we decided that it would be fine to switch them out because the girl she was replacing is a senior and hasn't ran a drake before. It would be a good thing for her to see what it is like. They both have the same time so i think that it wouldn't be that big of a deal. and possibly make us even faster and get us into the finals for the 4x100. Right now we are ranked 18th and if we buckle down and run our fastest times at drake we can make it into the finals and possibly place. I think that would be amazing!!

I have been to drake all the years of my high school career..i have loved all of it. from the late nights in the hotel room, watching college teams run, going out to dinner, and just being crazy normally how everyone on our team is. It is always a great time and we will have thousands of pictures to put up on facebok. i am sure when i get back there will be many great stories to talk about and hopefully good news on how we placed.

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