Monday, April 27, 2009


Coach keeps talking all of this peaking crap lately. And i am sure that half of the girls on the team have no idea what he means by it. All they know is that at practice we are not running as much and the workouts are short and at all out. what this does is when you get to the middle of the season or towards the end of you you have practices that will get your speed up and essentially make you run faster at meets. the reason you o this is because if you were to peak all season it wouldn't really work, you would ware your body down way to much. If you did workouts like that all season there would be nothing left in would be going to meets getting slower times then you did in the beginning of the season. some people don't now its not worth pushing your athletes every practices and sucking all the juice out of them every day. and a day every now and then is never a bad thing. it lets your legs recover and your body recuperate. So all peaking really is when you wait a while (middle/end of season) and start to have better and faster times over all. I know of some coaches that doesn't believe in "peaking" they think it is all a joke and there is no point in it. i am sure that certain coaches have seen results in certain athletes. I know that it does seem like when i get to state i have faster splits or times. But this also could be because its good running conditions and that i am using my nevus to run faster in the race. we will just have to wait and see how every one else does on all of this peaking stuff. My coach seems to use the term a lot, we will see if it pays off in the end.

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