Monday, April 27, 2009

if i had one wish

only if i had one wish. It wouldn't be the normal things people think of. My wish wouldn't to be the fastest person in the world, or take back stupid things i have done, people i hurt, or having the most money in the world. My one and only wish would be to have my mom back. she died in 2006. I think about her every day and wish she was here with me.
people have no clue what a mother does for them. Think about it even if they are not the best mom is the ideal mom you want well think of this. She does a lot of things for you without knowing it. When you had a hard day at school she is always there to back you up. You may get in fights and feel like you hate her sometimes, but in the end you have to love her. The Little things we all take for granted in life is what she does for you most of the time.
I feel like no one can replace that feeling. she loves you no matter what, if you get an F, come home drunk, or are pissed at her for no reason. There are so many thing that i wish i could have back. I have a step mom now. and she is nothing like my mom. she never understand me on my leave she talks way to much and i think she is fake. don't get me wrong i love her and she does a lot of things for me, but can never replace that special feeling a mom would give you. I know it is probably just a girl thing and guys i now you would feel the same with your dads. You have the special bond.
My one wish of having my mom back would be great. When she would ask if i want to go to the store with her i know i would say yes right away. i would take anything back to have extra time with her. She was someone that when you had a conversation with her you learned so much and only wanted the best for me and everyone around her. When i think back i wounder why she had cancer, i always ask why her?! she never did anything wrong she ate healthy exercised daily. but why ask why so much. things happen for a reason. in reality asking why just makes mad. With my wish i would have my mom there at all my track meets cheering me on. I know she would be on top of things at school making sure i have the best grades in class that i can get and be there to watch me grow up. I know she wanted to see that and it meant a lot to her. For m second wish i know it would be to be able to give that back to her. Let her come back and see where i am now and watch me grow up and be able to see me run at a track meet. These are things that people take for granted way to much. You my complain about having to make dinner for your family every night but do you really see what she is doing for you behind you back. Paying for your food you eat and maybe even your car insurance. So next time your going to go an get pissed at your parents for something take another look at life and your mom and see if its really worth it. people do so much in life for people and its the small things that add up. but i know it sucks no one ever notices it. think of what your one wish would be and if it is something reasonable. i know i would do anything to make that wish come true.

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