Monday, April 13, 2009

Tomorrow we have a meet at Cedar falls. I am a little bit nervous for this meet. Like i have said before it is our last meet o qualify in anything before Drake. Now that most of the relays are set and stone and there are going to be no changes made to them i am excited, but still a bit nervous. The reason it makes me so scared is because we have all the same runners in the 4x1, 4x2 and the sprint med. And Coach thought it would be a good idea to have one of our good 200 runners convert into a 400 runner. So at tomorrows meet she will be running the 400 for the first time in her life. She has never ran one besides two times in practice. It makes me really scared but i know that she can do it if she sets her mind to it and run it right. I am just hoping she doesn't stiffen up and die about out half way through..because i now if i was running the 400 that is what would happen to me. And i would feel horrible for the team. This is our last chance to make it into drake in the sprint med. I know we can do it if our time goes down. the last meet we cut off 4 seconds, with a different runner we could cut off another 4 seconds!!

in this meet i will be running my usual and what i like to run. the 200, 4x2, 4x1 and the sprint med. I am excited to run the 200 in good weather ( well the forecast says it is supposed top be good) and see what my time will be. I know that good competition will be there so they can only push me to run my hardest which is good. they will make me work for it. and with out 4x1 we have a good time going into drake, but at our last meet we cut off at least 2 seconds and i know with a little bit more motivation that we can cut off more time. Then when we do come to run at drake we can show them what we can do, and maybe even place. I think that would be amazing. We placed last year at drake in the sprint med so i now that we can make it a reality and not just think of it as being something cool.

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